Well the trash got out bright and early this morning and I am wondering if on the Holiday week after if the garbage is going to pick up on their regular day.Ahh ..... if that was my only worry! Right?
Well I have been vegan for about 3 weeks now and I really don't feel any different yet. I am still swollen, especially in my tummy area. Although now that I think about it the swelling in my legs have gone done quite a bit. Maybe it's just moving! lol Has anyone (other than a salesperson) used that Nopalea? Well I took a moment to "google" this and here is what I found. Nopalea - true or scam?
I made a couple of cards last night Here's a peek!
Well I have been vegan for about 3 weeks now and I really don't feel any different yet. I am still swollen, especially in my tummy area. Although now that I think about it the swelling in my legs have gone done quite a bit. Maybe it's just moving! lol Has anyone (other than a salesperson) used that Nopalea? Well I took a moment to "google" this and here is what I found. Nopalea - true or scam?
I made a couple of cards last night Here's a peek!
So I have run across an amazing amount of challenges this morning already! I have already posted this post earlier, however I posted it to an old blog and had a devil of a time trying to figure it out! I tried several different things thinking Oh this has GOT to be it! But no, that didn't fix it. I then realized I had signed into an old account! How lame that it took me a couple of hours to get that! Geez! And that was with a few breaks to "just walk away" to grab prospective! LMBO! In those breaks, I went to grab the camera to get a shot at the beautiful male cardinal and the battery needed charged! so I went to do that but not before I had to locate the charger! We had went somewhere and I had taken the charger but couldn't remember where I put it. And I do usually put it where it belongs, but didn't the last time! You see, I usually leave my computer and last night I shut it down. And wouldn't you know it (TODAY) is day that google changed the format of Blogger! What a ride I have had so far today!!! Here comes the sun so I will take that as a sign that all is well! lol
Please enjoy this beautiful day (no matter what!) and smile! someone may need it today! : )