Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Good Morning!

I can't believe it's Tuesday already!  Monday was just a blur that flew by!  I went to the primary doc yesterday, he moved meds around again!  This has been going on since last November!  My meds have been changed about a dozen times trying to find the right combo!!  My blood pressure has been so outta wack, I can't even tell you.  It's been running so low and then when I go see the heart doc it's up a little so I get smacked with another adjustment!  It seems never ending, but I know it will!!

I am getting ready to celebrate our 29th anniversary!  We are going to Grand Rapids to see Nickleback, Bush, and a couple of bands and then staying at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel for the night and then come home, drop off the hubby, and head to a weekend scrap booking crop!!!  I can't wait, it will be my first one and I am going with new friends and I plan on having some real bonding time!!

Here is a birthday card I made for our Uncle!  Enjoy your day!!

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